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Fabiana di Cerbo's review

Light and shade, subject and essence, plasticity and expressivity: these the aesthetical contradictions and ethics of the job of Massimo Persona and Elena Idone, an osmosis of different but symbiotic personality, that is concretized in an artistic work that has the taste of the artistic "history".


The deep lacerations on the cloth, made with chalk layers thick, to saturate the color and the weaving of it, and to make more carnal the same gesture of the artist cutting it, speaks the gestual language of the italian conceptual art; but if there the cut were a rebellion toward that object named "picture", here the cut makes an action of generosity towards the subject of which it is composed; subject that is intrinsically live and energetic, but it

succeeds in being revealed only in its own deep light through the action of the artist, that servant of the work almost does him in itself, setting his own gesture as an instrument because it can free.


Colors don't exist, but only the absence of them exists - the black, at times spread out in campiture you conform, at times curdled around the lips of the lacerations as clot of darkness before the advent of the light inside the same laceration or their sum as in the solar ghost - the white, that is not only that milky and pure stretched on the canvas, but it is also, and above all, the luminescent and almost supernatural that permeates from the back of the canvas itself, through the fissures, beyond the edges of the painting itself, because the light, the energy of the matter and life are stronger than physical limits.


A work that you would say Zen, for example in the choices chromatic (or a-chromatic) and in the philosophy of background, aimed at the extrinsecation of a deep inner nirvana, but that actually exists thanks to the visible drama that the artist lives and expresses, and that, from Catharsi Japanese, changes to the bohemian disturbance. A work therefore, which makes of the dissension, of the sentimental and emotional anarchy, of the meening within itself its own vent and Zenith Point, and which promises however to become universal manifestation of the final equilibrium which awaits every man who bravely enters into his fears, in his perversions to get out of it not already corrupt but renewed, resurrected, purified. 


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