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Elena Idone

Elena Idone was born on 10th July, 1981 in Reggio Calabria.

She currently lives and works in Bologna.


After the artistic high school diploma, she majored in Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Reggio Calabria.


She has participated in many national and international art competitions and exhibitions, achieving numerous prizes and recognitions.

In September 2004 along with two other artists she creates a movement of ideas: thus arose the artistic group Edearte that since 2007 is also a cultural association.


She published: "Elena Idone - sequenza", "L'Artista nell'autoritratto" e "Il Colore - Comunicare con la Pubblicità" - Ariel edizioni.


Elena is a teacher of graphic, pictorial and scenographic discipline at the Fine Arts High School "Dosso Dossi" in Ferrara.


She is a self-employed professional like artist in some different arts' sector: make-up, body painting, paintings, potraits, performance, artistic installation, decorations, photography.


Her works, her expositions, and her events are visible on and on her instagram page

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