Play with the light, capture it an instant before is absorbed from the subject. A picture, a lamp, an object of design, a luminescent wake: this is "Illuminamenti."
The project is born from the meeting-clash of ideas of Massimo Persona and Elena Idone, she is an artist and he is a creative producer. Her and him, female and male, white and black, positive and negative, horizontal and vertical. The double one is the carrying figure of the work, also given from the double value: work of art and object of design.
The series "Squarci" in addition to the essential two-color blacks and whites, brings in itself the ancestral symbolism of birth. That “come to the light” is explicit in the cracks that the works open on paintings (canvas).
With wise hand after having worked for thickening, at a certain point the weave is broken making to escape a bright bundle or, for better saying, a cut.
This poetics of the light is essential in the creative trial, but it has another reason to be: it's functional.
Because the concept at the base of "Illuminamenti" it is not only the aesthetic fruition but especially practice. In this way the work turns into an object, in a lamp from the original and handicraft design.
So, it is a lamp or a painting? The answer is easy: Illuminamenti!